Curly hair. Definition.
Hair can be classified from the straightest to the frizziest: Straight, straight, wavy, curly, frizzy, afros. A nice variety! Curly hair is therefore at the center of the classification. Please note, hair can evolve into a neighboring category depending on the care given to it.
Curly hair requires specific care, both during washing and styling; they require more attention than straight or wavy hair. Since the waves are significant, the hair must be considered as curly hair.
The basic principle: Hydrate!
Curly hair is easily dehydrated unlike other types of hair. The reason ? The sebum which descends less well from the roots to the ends and therefore protects the hair less against attacks and prevents it from retaining water.
Hydrating curly hair involves several coordinated actions at different stages: washing, care, styling.
Say no to detergent products when washing.
Detergent products, particularly present in most shampoos, literally strip natural sebum. Remember: sebum is hair's best ally.
So firstly, space out the washes. Shampoo sellers have managed to make us believe that we must wash our hair every day. What a mistake ! Secondly, look at the compositions and choose your shampoos carefully. Only take 100% natural.
Invent your own skincare routine.
Test, observe, improve. Your hair is unique, you create your own routine.
Here are some good ideas for natural products.
To give bounce to your curly hair.
• Spirulina.
• Coconut milk.
To moisturize and condition your curly hair.
• Macadamia nut oil.
• Vinegar and honey.
Or trust sebum
Because the solution to having beautiful hair may be through reducing products. Once you reduce the damage to the hair (detergent shampoos), you have less need to repair it!
The challenge then lies in your ability to distribute sebum regularly throughout the hair and to control its quantity. After a while without chemicals, nature rebalances itself.
Take care of styling.
Once is not customary, we do not recommend the boar bristle brush and plastic combs. For what ? They usually produce a disastrous foamy effect on curly hair.
Detangle the hair with a wide-toothed horn comb (or a bristle brush), of course starting at the ends and working towards the roots. It is best to do this on wet hair. Good news, in case of excess sebum, the horn comb will feed on it!
During the day, the best is to scrunch, that is to say reform your hair with your fingers by gently lifting the curls.