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Intellectual property

Brand names and products on this site are under exclusive license by Thomas Liorac. Their mention does not in any way the right to use any of the brands, they may not be used without the prior written consent of Thomas Liorac. Thomas Liorac reserves the right to penal proceedings for infringement in the event of noncompliance with this property.

All information on this website may be printed, provided:

- use such information solely for personal and in no way commercially,
- do not modify such information,
- reproduce the copyright of Thomas Liorac.

Any other use not expressly permitted is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of Thomas Liorac.


The information accessible via this website is provided as is. Thomas Liorac assumes no responsibility for the use of this information. The user is solely responsible for the use of such information.
Thomas Liorac reserves the right to change at any time, including information on updating the site.

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Concept and production

This website was created using the open-source solution PrestaShop™ by dataetic.


Stocklib / Epictura

© darren baker / Epictura
© Yuri Arcurs / Epictura
© Kristina Afanasyeva / Epictura
© pzromashka / Epictura

Other photos :

Thomas Liorac

Creative commons :

Click on the photos and follow the links to know the authors, see and respect the licenses. The photos used on our site have been modified (cropped) and are all under Creative Commons license to be modified and for commercial use subject to paternity attribution. We thank and congratulate the authors.

Sans titre


cabo sunset

La rue de Rivoli et l'Hôtel de ville vus de la Tour Saint-Jacques

Sapin de noël décoré

pose 2


Red Afro




Nouvelle coupe de cheveux pour maman



Les cheveux dans le vent


Maine Coon - Chimsky - Creative Commons by gnuckx

Oso, Survivor of 3 coyote attacks!


Coronet cavia